Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

coooome onn isn't everyone a whore?

Isn't everyone a WhOre?? This is what i what been told in the environmental chamber business.. if it isn't sexual .. does that make a difference?

Monday, May 5, 2008

squeekie .. or geekie... it's freakie

hey guy... mitch kerr at alltempengineering told me that ENSECO in san jose ca didn't hire me because i carried a travel bag when i was "on the road" in FIELD SERVICE on the average 2 too 3 weeks out of the month..

it turns out that the California perverts and backstabbers at thermotron called it a "PurrrrSe"!!! not a luggage bag...!!

California San Fransico the land of homo's and faggots..

and those people are SSooo stupid that they can't tell the difference..

DAve Durham and John tenbrink at thermotron called a man SQUEEKly..

if u didn't embezzle.. and cheat on their time cards, N get DRUNK... LIKE THEY DID..

ya it's FREakie ..

Fred Plont (THE COLOrADO THIEF) called .. mitch kerr

MITCH the Moron... and Idoit Follower.. and told me they think they are better then HiM .. but they allll started in LA with thermotron

and he bragged how he and ED Flowers the sales boy.. in colorado .. embezzled .. on a regular basis...

and when i talked to ED Flowers... he demenstrated AND CONVINCED ME that he belives the lies of the different thieves and embezzlers he has worked with..and dosn't have the BRAINS to question a professed LIAR and thief..

it must be LOYalty...

when DIck McKinley .. pre-interviewed me as a possible replacement for ED FLOWERS, after he left SALES at THERMOTRON..

i turned it down.. because i really didn't want to have a carreer as a Sales WHORE

a person who lies and gets the customer drunk.. TO MAKE A LIVING..

i QUIT geNERAL INSTRUMENTS/litton in oregon ...

when the new replacement management ... said to me


AT THERMOTRON .. AS i told tom Espec. once U become a whore at thermotron for Dan Okeefe... U can now be a WHORE for everyone, and anyone!!

but that is was SATAN offers..



he said the thing about him and other's is that they want to lie,cheat, steal and defraud people..

But they still want people to like them... kinda like BIll Clinton..

and besides ... stealing and embezzling isn't stealing

it's called "WORKING THE SYSTEM".

I was told by the thermotron manager on the west coast that it was "OK" to lie cheat and steal a little bit because "everyone he know is like that!"

I told him that was "INSANE" and i was NOT raised that way!!

The manager said " OH NO ... I didn't know you were that KIND"

and he immidately started to "harrassment and drum me out"

PerVerts of the same feather like to hang out together !!

Employee Harrassment is "normal" at thermotron

most thermotron customers really do know that their service personell are not very well qualified..

Friday, May 2, 2008

dICk.... less ... nO BodY..

he sits there looking out ..
His window with a view..
thinking of the answers
and knowing what he won't do

but he exersises regularly
by humping some good screw..

he dosen't have the answer
he dosen't have a plan

he is just a trans-planted liar
So we call him ass-hole-man