Wednesday, January 7, 2009

GAYman ... thermoland ... N..U

GAYman and thermoland

Ya tom bannash at thermotron liked to refer that his co-workers were GAY,,..

like he could tell the difference..

this is like jim roulofs was known for walking around with a

good grip on his ankles..

curt the NEW replacement for bo bjarno....sales engineer..

bo bjarno's replacement tells that story..

the function of the national sales manager at thermotron ..

as demenstrated by dickless mckenny, and jim roulfos..

was to lie to the customer.. and conspire to defraud your co-worker..2 build a case against them.. (yes he had some problems)

dan okeefe's yes man..with his "management STAFF"

roger cannary with his "GOOD HEAD" comments..

dave waterfield ..with his " i heard abour Uuuu"

he said the office that gregory v johnson worked out of "stood out like a sore thumb.. with HIGH expenses!!" (Geee ya think?)

(Where does daniel j okeefe get these brain-e-acks???)

danny boy got roger cannary at the same place obviously!!!

Ron Wiley...with his turn at the wheel..!! bragging that

" i M a GOoood liar!!".. ya that's a good fit!!

and my daddy.. bob wiley started.. the company Sexton/ESPEC

Ya sure... Ronnie boy....

or ask randel hurdes... he'll lie 2 Ya... just 2 stay in pratice

U don't have to be QUEER to work at thermotron.. in california ..

but being a thief helps!!

Daniel J okeefe .. once snuggled up 2 me and said .. "this place lets in any one"

i asked thomas bannach.. "what in the Hell does that mean??..

oh he's just kidding around... bannach the liar N pervert said...

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Ask a liar 4 the truth.. Ya right

Body Language Signs of a Liar –

3 Lying Body Language Signs to Watch Out for

Author: Michael Lee

It might be difficult to tell if a person is telling the truth, especially if you’re not aware of the body language signs of a liar.

In fact, many scammers and fraudsters nowadays are lying their way to profit and popularity by deceiving their customers, bosses, or even their acquaintances. But it is possible to spot them if you know how to read the body language signs of a liar.

We can never deny the fact that words can easily be framed to reflect intent. Words can be easily crafted to make other people believe what you want them to believe. If you want to catch people at it, then you might want resort to non-verbal confirmations on whether that person is lying or not.

Here are 3 body language signs of a liar to watch out for:

Eye Contact

Eye contact is one of the primary forms of communication. Looking into the eye can accentuate your message, and help drive your point home. In fact, you can practically tell what the person is thinking by looking into their eyes alone.

One of the important body language signs of a liar is avoiding eye contact when they are directly talking to you. Even those practicing the art -- and lying is an art -- might find it difficult to control their eyes from straying here and there while talking to someone. This only proves that they are lying or they’re keeping something from you.

Being Talkative

Practically one of the easiest-to-detect body language signs of a liar is the way they talk. We usually have a normal pace during conversation, unless we are very excited about a certain topic.

If they are talking too much and it’s not a normal occurrence, they might be lying. The reason is that liars feel uncomfortable when there’s a silent moment in the middle of a discussion they’re trying to avoid.

Normally, liars will be talking about one thing; then when a sensitive topic comes up or when there’s a moment of silence, they ramble on to another subject in a jiffy.

Unnecessary Movements

One of the more reliable body language signs of a liar is the unnecessary movement they make when they are confronted with an issue. Normally, cornered liars start rubbing their hands, or stroking their nose, or even setting their hair even if there's no need for it.

You might even notice that these people tend to sweat a lot or their face turn red while rambling on with their alibi. They are definitely nervous about something; this is one of the body language signs of a liar that will alert you there is something wrong with this scenario.

About the Author:

Discover how you can easily persuade anyone to do what you want by reading body language signals and by ethically using mind control techniques. Grab your FREE course that reveals groundbreaking persuasion secrets at

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1 more thing

Equal opportunity workplaces aren’t new to most of us. It’s only right that qualified applicants should be treated the same and have fair wages. But how many of us practice these same values in our private lives? Are you guilty of showing favoritism? Find out on the next broadcast of Truth For Life with Alistair Begg.

Title: Favoritism, Part Two, A
James 2:1-7

Series: Faith that Works - Volume 2

by Alistair Begg | Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Book of Leviticus (KJV)

11 Ye shall not steal, neither deal falsely, neither lie one to another.

12 And ye shall not swear by my name falsely, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD.

13 Thou shalt not defraud thy neighbour, neither rob him: the wages of him that is hired shall not abide with thee all night until the morning.

14 Thou shalt not curse the deaf, nor put a stumblingblock before the blind, but shalt fear thy God: I am the LORD.

15 Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment: thou shalt not respect the person of the poor, nor honour the person of the mighty: but in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbour.

16 Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people: neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbour: I am the LORD.