i knew a few guys who kept their board in the service truck..
why not!!..like it really mattered..
gregory V johnson..hooked a boat trailer to his service truck.. and dragged around a jet boat..
then tried to swindle the company out of the "extra truck" by switching out the spark plug wires.. and having a machanic .. say that the engine was "bad"
dean tripp.. said Gee.. i don't know how the wires got switched? DUH???
but he did get a good deal on the "salesman's car"
he got a used car lot to give him a trade in value on that car .. that was... LOwwwww.......a few hundred dollars..
no big deal... thomas bannach ... encouraged ... fraud....
the salesman before bo bjarno said " he only embezzled about a 100.00 per week"
he was fired 4 LOW sales.. oh welll... next!!! .. a dime a dozen !!!
gregory v johnson spent the last year selling realestate..
and fakeing his work sheets..
if U need a few days. off U can pretend that your wifes mother or father DIED...
that is good for 3 days off with pay!!
just have FUN.. this is california.. and the MORONS are in michigan..
and from michigan.. if U are ...DOUCH... U AIN'T MUCH !!
Thomas Bannach.. said ... it's OK to be CURRUPT... because they are all CURRUPT..
When thermotron arrives "Watch Out"!!
Body Language Signs of a Liar – 3 Lying Body Language Signs to Watch Out for
REMEMBER:... who ever steals the most "WIN'S"
GIVE HIL SYSBESMA A CALL... he can give u some special TIPS...
Have you ever bemoaned the fact that a bad photograph didn’t really look like you? It can be embarrassing to see a bad photo of yourself, because it isn’t a good representation of who you are. It is even worse when that bad photo gets passed around! The Bible tells us not to do that with God, and most images of God are not a true representation of who He is. Find out more when you tune in for Truth For Life with Alistair Begg.
Graven Mistakes, Part B Exodus 20:4-6
Series: Pathway to Freedom more about this series >
by Alistair Begg | Thursday, November 20, 2008
You Want the Truth? You Can't Handle the Truth!
When dick head DAN tells you about tomorrow, you may think that he's not telling the truth, that he's putting one over on you, that he's full of it, that he's fibbing. But seeing is believing, so we'll see you tomorrow!
if you are looking to get into the field or field service you will need a list of companies that will need your service. Demand is high for someone who can go and GIVE IT 2 our customers!!
the history of human resourses at thermot_ron.. WHERE DID Uuuu get YOUR traING ??
Duh ??? i got it the HARD way..!!!
Apparently, ignorance and forgetfulness will get your electricity cut off.
After receiving a half slip of paper in my mailbox that was entirely in Thai and thus not decipherable, I stuck it in my bookcase and promptly forgot about it.
A frantic call from my landlord saying my electricity would be cut off if I didn’t pay by 5 pm totally perplexed me.
I insisted I hadn’t received a bill. He got more anxious.
I remembered that little piece of paper. He started breathing again. Turns out, if you forget this sort of thing, you can take the elevator to the second floor in your pajamas and have your landlord messenger the money over for about two bucks.
Have I mentioned how much I love
Learning English the hard way
The Lebanese impress many a foreigner with their superb mastery of languages.
In fact, quite a few Lebanese are more fluent in English or French than in their own (step)mother tongue Arabic. That's even more amazing considering the study material. Take a look at the below pictures, that come from a Strawberry Shortcake picture book so little kids learn English while they play.
Construction and employment in free fall, US consumer on the fritz, growth barely above 1 percent,… can you imagine that some still believe the US recession hasn't started yet? - Decoded news (May 3, 2007) -
"When the wise man points to the moon, the fool sees the finger" (Lao Tse)
These positions are entry level and provide support in creating the assemblies for large-scale industrial equipment.
In these positions you will measure and cut copper, build lower level humidity modules and basic electrical wiring assemblies.
Mechanical aptitude is a plus, yet prior-manufacturing experience is not required.
I have been doing a lot of thinking these past couple months.
Too much thinking.
I’m so inside my own head that I’m not enjoying what is going on around me and I’m not enjoying the life I’m currently leading.
I’m always trying to find “what’s next?” or pontificate on “what was”.
No more of that…or at least an effort to decrease. I want to enjoy today, tomorrow, next week, etc.
I don’t have any huge decisions that must be made right this second. I can just relax and enjoy the fruits of my labor and have a good time with myself RIGHT NOW. I’m always planning and preparing, which are admirable things, but I’m never just enjoying.
I know longer have the burden of grad school weighing on my shoulders (tonight is my last class) and I have no other obligations other than my vegetable garden, so I’m good. I’m going to try to just ride the way of my hard work.
Mircea and I are doing SOOOOO much better, but instead of focusing on “what should be”, “what could be”, “what was” I am going to focus on right now. Right now is GRRRR-eat with her so no more panicking and wanting old things back.
I want to make it clear that I’m not saying “well, I’ve met some goals, so I’m going to stop”, but I’m going to stop looking at my goals as the only point of success.
I was telling someone yesterday that I didn’t feel successful because I didn’t own a home or have a family.
The guy was like “are you kidding me?”
He was like “then I was a failure until I was 35, and I know that isn’t true.”
We had a conversation and I went home and thought about it. If I measure success by the love of other people (that I want to love me) or by my possessions, I will never win.
I don’t know where I’m going to focus on the whole housing situation, but I’ve decided to let it go for a week or two and not think about it at all. I found a house that I really like and if it is the house for me it will be there after I get back from my trip to San Diego (for work-but still!) and I can think about it a little more. I have to remind myself that I don’t have to own a home and maybe I’m not yet at “that stage” in my life.
That’s enough. No more thinking about this stuff. I’m going with the flow darnit!!
Otto anni fa, ho viaggiato a la casa de la mia nonna a Mexico. Lei vive fra in montagne in sinaloa. La sua casa è realmente vecchia. Nelle montagne, non ci è l’eletricità o acqua corrente. Non ci è stanza da bagno. Avevo quattordici anni in cui la ho visitato per ultima volta a la mia nonna. Parte posteriore allora ho pensato che sia l’esperienza più orrible avevo avuto mai. La cosa che più odiavo hidding dietro gli alberi per andare alla stanza da bagno, ma ora penso sono divertente. Sono stato spaventato sempre dell’oscurità. Ho pensato che sterà andando potere ignorare quel fatto che dormo una volta a destra vicino alla mia mamma, ma quello non era il caso. Non importa come largamente aprirei i miei occhi, l’unica cosa potevo vedere ero il fuoco piloto l’accensione in funzione e a riposo tutta la notte. Non potrei vedere le stelle perchè dai dieci giorni spendo là, solo due giorni non hanno piovuto. Amo la mia nonna mòlto ma non penso che abbia potuto andare indietro e visitarla ancora. Piuttosto la aspetto per venire as una città civilizzata che andando indieto alle montagne.
Art 203 September 23, 2008 Art in relation to your Discipline
Fullfilling the need to observe the sky
Nancy Holt was born in April 5, 1938 in Worcester, Massachusetts, state is which she also gained future education at Tufts University. Three years after graduating she got married to Robert Smithson.
After she gained stability in her marriage, she began her artistic career as a phographer and video artist.
The two optics and her husband are thought to have influence her later work in which are “literally seeing devices, fixed points for tracking the positions of the Sun, Earth and Stars” (Arnason). “Today Holt is most widely known for her large-scale environmental work, Sun Tunnels” (wikipedia).
Sun Tunnels can be found in the Great Basin Desert in Utah. This work is a product of Holt’s interest in the variation of intensity between the sun in the city and the sun in the desert. She wanted to make this work accessible for her followers and get others interested to come up and see.
Her work was meant to highlight everyday extraordinary events that we take for granted like the Sun’s rise and set and the summer and winter solstice. "It is a very desolate area, but it is totally accessible, and it can be easily visited, making Sun Tunnels more accessible really than art in museums … A work like Sun Tunnels is always accessible…(Saad-cook)
This magnificent work consiste of four massice concrete tunnels. The tunnels are arranged in an X configuration. “tunnels with open ends aligned with the points on the horizon where the sun rises and sets at the winter and summer solstices” (Utah Arts Counsil).
Each tunnel is set to react differently depending on the sun whether it is the summer or winter solstice or a regular sunset or a sunrise. Each tunnel highlights the beauty the only star in our gallaxy. What else more important than our source of energy can she have picked?
Even though Holt’s art was brought down to a smaller scale easier for us to see, it still takes up an area of 86 feet and can be seen from as far as one mile and a half away.
Being placed in the middle of the desert, the tunnels not only provide shelter for its viewers but once inside, we are able to see the dazzling effect of the play of light within the tunnerls. Other than highlighting the sun, these four tunnels also highlight four or the main contellations in our sky. Perseus, Columbia, Capricorn and Draco are formed by holes on the top of the tunnels.
The size of the wholes are relative to the magnitud of each and every star in the constellation. The constellation can be seen during the day as the wholes cast spots of the daylight in the inside of the tunnels, which appear almost like stars. "It’s an inversion of the sky/ground relationship-bringing the sky down to the earth" (Saad-Cook). I was completely amazed how a love to a subject can turn landscape into a theatrical scenery in which the sun creates the casting of the light that performs a scene in the dark shadow of an unsignificant tunnel. Her work not only shrinks the scale of four of our eighty one constellations but make us think of the importance of the sun in our everyday scenes.
This work is not only emphasizing on our main source of energy but making use of it into the forcasting of the stars in the shadow. This also symbolized the brightness of the constellations that we don’t take in account every night. It is as if the artist was telling us to make the light of our sun useful as much as possible and at the same time save natural resources that will endanger our world as time goes by. Let hear her message and do something now. Work Cited
Arnason, H.H. History of Modern Art. 5th ed. (Upper Sadlle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc., 2004). Saad-Cook, Janet, Charles Ross, Nancy Holt, James Turrell. "Touching the Sky: Artworks Using Natural Phenomena, Earth, Sky and Connections to Astronomy" Leonardo 21, no. 2 (1988) Utah Arts Council: http://arts.utah.gov/experience_arts/collections/public_arts_collection/sun_tunnels Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nancy_Holt#Biography
EDUCATION: The University of Arizona Tucson, AZ Bachelor of Arts in Humanities Major: Spanish Minor: Philosophy Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major: Pre-Business
EXPERIENCE: 11/06-present Silver ME LLC Tucson, AZ Sales Associate/ Temporary Manager · Operate daily opening/closing tasks including preparing store for the day and closing out the money drawer · Perform sales associate task including keeping the store in a clean condition as well as attending to customers · Manage store and its operations in extended absence of the owner including decision making task such as giving discounts and coordinating the employee schedule
02/05-present University of Arizona Redington Catering Tucson, AZ In-House Student Lead, Student Union Memorial center · Set up many types of banquets dealing with different customers with specific individual needs · Supervise events by handling clients request and ensuring everything is done to meet their needs · Involved in the making of new training materials that can be accessed on-line by future employees · Train new employees
ACTIVITES: · Young-Adult Leader – St. Francis de Sales Church; August 2006 – present · Member – University of Arizona Soccer Intramurals; October 2007 – December 2007 · Member – University of Arizona Ski and Snowboard Club; November 2007 – present
AWARDS: · Wildcat Excellence T1 Scholarship Award, September 2006
SKILLS: · Proficient in Windows and Office XP · Excel Specialist Certification, December 2006 · Trained in Quick Books POS · Fluent in Spanish
keep in mind thermotron will give u a licking.. if U don't tell the customer what lies they "tell U 2 say"..
because the Fundamentals Are Sound
The Dow Jones fell more than 500 points today after Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy, Merrill Lynch sold itself to Bank of America and A.I.G., the largest insurer in America, lost 61% of its value over concerns that it wouldn't be able to raise $75 billion in capital and might itself go belly-up
Here�??s the Game Plan TACKLE •• Variety •• Challenging Work •• Training to Enhance Skills Build the Equipment That Makes New Technology Possible SCORE •• Stability •• Empowered Team Environment •• Competitive Compensation and Benefits Package Apply at: The-mo-ron Industries
ya it's important to keep a daily journal if u work at thermotron.. expceally if u work in field service or.. or with a spineless gutless wonder.. manager..
other wise at thermotron the management teem will lie about any situation ,, that fit s their need..
'the management style is still ..EVERY ONE IS THE MANAGER"
what this means is your co-workers are "REWARDED" lying and deceiving or leading astray.. their co workers and the custormer..
as Fred Plont... said "U are only supposted to "Look out" for yourself..
everyone around u is a "dime a dozen"
so get your "job experience" and get out...
because if U stay to long then U know U are a LOSER... LOOZZZZZER....!!!
Loser - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaLoser is the antonym of winner, often used as an insult, and may also refer to: ... Loser (film), a 2000 movie starring Jason Biggs and Mena Suvari ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loser - 17k
Are you a LOSER?
Are you a loser? Are you cool? Do you even know? Once again NerdTests.com has developed a test that will quickly tell you your status in society. No longer can anybody just call you a loser, now you will have proof!
At the end of this test, your score will be compared to the many others who have taken this very same quiz. Additionally, you will be given a graphic so that you can show others what kind of loser you are (or not).
In the course of life we come across and meet many people. Some we form friendships with and others we avoid. We often keep the people that make us feel good as friends, and the ones that make us feel bad we keep our distance. The problem is that evil people know full well how to make us feel good and how to manipulate us so that they can gain power and control over us.
There are two types of people we need to avoid. The aggressive and the passive aggressive types. The aggressive types use anger to control you. You go along in order to get along. They always get their way because we don't want them to explode on you and ruin the day. But then we get so angry and frustrated because we never stand up for ourselves. Because of this a wife may allow herself to be totally controlled and manipulated by the husband while blaiming herself for all the domestic problems. "Oh if I just had not dropped the dish Frank would not of flipped. I am so stupid!" The husband then uses this by saying, "You should be thankfull I married you because no one else would have you!" Men that beat their wives while convincing them that they disserved it and they had better smarten up. The solution would be for the wife to muster up her courage and confront her husband so that they can he can then have a bad day. From that point on they will avoid the wife will be in control. But if the husband is violent and physically abusive, then this solution could be very dangerous and volatile. I think most professionals would advise the woman to pack up and leave for a shelter.
The passive aggressive types do not confront you or explode with anger. What they do is to subtly push your buttons until you explode and yell. At this point they play the victim and may cry. They say things like, "Why are you so angry." They manipulate us into thinking it is our fault so that we feel guilty. Once we feel guilty, then they use this to control us.
Below is a list of the "Top Ten" evil people of all time followed by a list of the "Top Ten" good people of all time -- sorted in order of evilness and goodness. Please add your votes. Who would you like to see added to the list? What alterations would you make to the list or the ordering? Do the scales of good and evil balance? If I may have permission to quote you in a manuscript, please give permission in your note to me.
Why is it easier to think of evil examples than good ones? Is it much easier to do something big and bad than it is to do something big and good?
Developing this list was not an easy task due to the complexity of human personalities and the fact that goodness and evilness depend on the perspective of the time. (For example, perhaps many Americans consider dropping the bomb on Hiroshima "good" whereas many Japanese consider it "evil.") On the evilness scale, I gave additional weight to those people who actually enjoyed and personally participated in the utter horror they produced. When compiling the good list, I also considered the number of people killed by the followers of the "good" person during the person's life time.
For both the good and evil list, I also asked myself the question, "With whom would I least like to be in a room, and with whom would I most like to be in a room?"
If you are not happy with this list, drop me a line, because the list changes in response to suggestions from my readers. If you had scales and put Stalin's massacres on the left side, what could you put on the right-hand side to balance it? Extreme kindness and attempts to alleviate suffering? Curing cancer? Ending world hunger? Charity? Elevating the thinking of humankind with respect to human rights? Perhaps the very best people don't seek publicity for their good deeds; these are the unknown heroes who work tirelessly with the poor and the sick. When considering religions leaders, do we need to consider possible negative results that evolved, such as fundamentalist groups that suppress women, or the concept of Jihad, or holy war? If the Inquisition arose out of Christianity, need we consider this in assessments we make? 1. Tomas de (bannash)Torquemada (pictured here) - Born in Spain in 1420, his name is synonymous with the Christian Inquisition's horror, religious bigotry, and cruel fanaticism. He was a fan of various forms of torture including foot roasting, use of the garrucha, and suffocation. He was made Grand Inquisitor by Pope Sixtus IV. Popes and kings alike praised his tireless efforts. The number of burnings at the stake during Torquemada's tenure has been estimated at about 2,000. Torquemada's hatred of Jews influenced Ferdinand and Isabella to expel all Jews who had not embraced Christianity. H. H. Holmes - built a hundred-room mansion complete with gas chambers, trap doors, acid vats, lime pits, fake walls and secret entrances. During the 1893 World's Fair he rented rooms to visitors. He then killed most of his lodgers and continued his insurance fraud scheme. He also lured women to his "torture castle" with the promise of marriage. Instead, he would force them to sign over their savings, then throw them down an elevator shaft and gas them to death. In the basement of the castle he dismembered and skinned his prey and experimented with their corpses. He killed over 200 people.
he is a former sales man .. and he ws telling me that the big success he had in sales.. was he helped secure a 25,000 dollar sale... it was a big moment in his carreer at thermotron.. then chuck asked him to be the service dispatcher/manager in LA california.. and it was all down hill from there...
he ended his carreer at thermotron .. by being a lying lacky whore for tom bannach.. his job was to lie to angry customer's and lie to his co-workers.. and cheat on his time sheet, and travel time.. then berry wright .. tom bannach's replacement .. told him "IT IS TIME 4 U TO QUIT" AND move onnnnnnn..
when berry right asked me what i thought about dean tripp..
i told him... welll tom bannach sends him to lie to me and he likes gregory V johnson's lies... .. and they embezzle a lot!!!
IDOLATRY & HUMAN LEADERSHIP David Orton Part 4 of 6 For parts 1, 2, & 3, Go Here: http://www.openheaven.com/forums/forum_posts.asp?TID=17170&PN=1
“They set up kings without my consent; they choose princes without my approval. With their silver and gold they make idols for themselves to their own destruction” Hos 8:4 NIV
“A horrible and shocking thing has happened in the land: the prophets prophesy lies, the priests rule by their own authority, and my people love it this way…” Jer 5:30-31 NIV
at thermotron defamation of character is considered NORMAL if U R in management..
Gregory V Johnson bragged how he and TOM Bannach harrassed and drummed out all their co-workers.. and it's OK to steal and rob the customer and co -worker..
U can count on thermotron management to spread lies about U..
tom bannach would call his co-workers "GAY" and the GAy BLADE..
roger cannady.. was telling dick alverson.. that the sales support.. may they give "GOOD HEAD"
this is like .. sucking their penus.. .. roger defrouded a lot of his co-workers.. as did dave water field ..
As Hil sysbesma used to say.."Gee i don't know how to tell U this" BUT..
tom bannach...used the ploy "Someboy said ... Sombody said "
DAn OkEEfe... "Well i HeArd about Uuuuu!!"
as tom bannach said..."Gee don't U want to go into management?!!
then every one will believe your lies... You are right!!
Well i certainly have seen a lot of tricks in how to work the system in this chamber business..
now the kid i worked with in california .. robbed and embezzled about 50 thousand dollars..
When i Got the to Boeing job with Bob Wiley in charge.. john tenbrink demenstrated that Old Bob is as smart as a fox..
it was ok be be drunk on the job and falsefy your working hours.. and dave drumham called his co-workers "Backstabbers"
dick alverson the church bible guy... told me that john tenbrink and dave durham were lying about their co-workers..
He said he knew it was a lie... because HE WAS THERE!! and could tell the difference..
But BOb wiley .. told this crew that it was OK to lie to him..
if they didn't agree with him..
Gregory v johnson had ... as hil sysbesma said .. " he had tom bannish around his little finger"..
He said who ever tell tom bannish what ever lies he wants to hear is right..
and tom Bannich encouraged deceit and dishonesty.. with his "Every one is the Manager"
when i asked TB what he ment by that he said .. "Well that's the problem"
(TB really is a disease) TB really is a criminal psycopath...
where ever he goes there is an increase in evil... in the bible in the book of JAmes ,, chaper 3 to chapter 4 tells .. about TOM Bannach's management style..
and as he demenstrated when he comes to town there is a new level of curruption..and fraud
gregory v johnson he started his carreer by being the neighbor hood thief and bugler.. he showed me all the housed he robbed when we were in Pasandia visiting his mother..
Tom bannash loved his lies..he was his pet false wittness
But Enseco Fired him within 6 months.. for robbery.. embezzelment etc..
Mitch Kerr form all temp engineering told me that the word was out and that gregory V wouldn't get any work in that valley any more.
He also told me how therMoTron had not payed them for about 50,000 dollars of warrenty work..billed to them..
I told him that with all the different embezzlers and thieves he has worked with .. that does not seem out of character of that company.
greg was typical for a tom bannich pet
i t may seem high ..but after Rouloff's removed the salesman bo bjarno.. then the sky was the limit..his 10 thousand a year went to about 20 thousand..
and he spent the last year at thermotron selling realestate, which he should have stayed in.. because it is a job where u just lie to everyone
ya tom bannish drummed out
5 securtaries, the 2 sales man , and my self told .. bannach about it...
also the people in the seattle office and the LA office..
even though there is a federal law against it..
but i learned a big lesson about that management style ..
harrasement, lying, and drumming out people = (equals) basic dis-honesty
You can't tell a Dummy anything .. "That's why they are called Dummies"
As tom bannish said"every one is the manager" ..
which of course means there is no manager.. just lying back stabbers.
and spinless guttless wonders
Heck i asked the upper management what they budgeted for thief and embezzelment, and asked if they were some kind of mafa operation. or were a money laundering operation..
But you are right..
If lying , robbery and embezzelment is still the standard than i would not be a
Ya the NEW LEVEL that tarma kennerdy at the personell at thermotron is ..
NOW YOU CAN B A PERVERT AND A THIEF.. and DEFAME your co-workers..
just like a roman catholic child molester... ..
a manager at thermotron has the intellegence on 6 chickens.. and a box of DEPENDS..
because I LIED 4 Uuuuu.....
Cheers.. and happy 4TH OF JULY
A man was sitting at a bar whose selling point was that it was on top of the largest skyscraper in town.
Another man walks in and asks the bartender for a Jack Daniel's. He downs it, and then takes a running leap out the window.
Much to everybody's surprise, he floats back up and climbs through the window back into the bar.
The man at the bar is amazed and asks the man how he did it.
"Easy," says the man. "Outside this window are some very strong wind currents which can carry you back to the window."
"Wow," says the man at the bar. "I gotta try this." He takes a running leap out the window and falls to a horrible, bloody, and flat death.
"Goodness, Superman," says the bartender.
"You can be a real a jerk when you're drunk."
HA HA HA.. as Shelly said in parts
it was just politics !!
(she worked with Ester Hamstra) and jerry sinzack, when i met jerry's wife at the clinic she said theRmoTron didn't give out raises.. they gave people "titles"
Do u know any one in the enviromental chamber business with good moral's?
tom bannash bragged U guy were stupid and would believe any lies he said, and bragged at what a back stabber he was..
He said U were just like him..! AND IT'S OK TO BE CURRUPT
Dean tripp said .. TB .. was a dishonest lierand thief when he worked with U.. is that true?
HIl sysbesma told me he has the same problem as tom bannash..
(can u figure it out?)
and Fred Plont.. said U are just like him,, and he brags at what a liar and embezzler he is..
and he didn't need to work for ENSECO for randy BUNn .. and make the BIG money in the union.. because he only worked 3 or 4 hours a day and charged thermotron for 8 to 12 hours a day..
MITCH kerr.. bragged to me that he believes what ever lies these perverts say..
and that they were BACK stabbing me.. WOW .. mitch is a heck of a guy....
it's no wonder that fred plont and others call mitch ..."mitch the MORON.. and the IDOIT follower...
WELL mitch told me he told tom bannash that he was going to "make more money then TB"
WOW i am sure that kept tom bannash up at night!!
Because .. bragged u guys would believe any of his lies..
it's not about the money .. it about the lies..
Fred said ..mitch and john are his "FRIENDS"
but ..."BUSINESS IS BUSINESS" besides they "think" they are better than other people.!!
TOM PATTERSON .. seems to be the only man i worked with that admits that his job was to lie and cheat deceive and defraud his co-worker
When i talked to randy Bunn.. before he went out of business.. i was surprised to lear the different lies he believed..
and because he and his father didn't hire .. QUALIFIED employees .. it was no surprise that he went out of business..
as i told him.. thermotron required and encouraged their people to lie to each other and steal and embezzle..
FIND A pet at thermotron and u locate an embezzler and a liar
thanks.. PPP
moral degeneration
moral degeneration
As we said before, Satanism is much more than being hooded in a coven during a Full Moon ceremony.
Satanism is encouraging indulgence in all matters of the flesh, as we have already shown. Once you understand the truth that today's America is encouraging indulgence in all matters of the flesh, you will understand that we are already prepared to accept Antichrist.
Now, we can understand the sentiment uttered above, by a college senior,
that the "President's sex life is none of our business",
or that sentiment uttered by another,
who said that the President's sex life is "irrelevant to performing his job".
What this tells you is that these people have the same
Satanic personal values as does President Clinton.
Since so many Americans apparently share this value system,
the "sheep are ready to shear", i.e., the American people are ready to be enslaved under Antichrist.
I think you have gotten the point by now. America has changed her formerly Christian values to Satanic ones, without any one understanding what has happened.
But, now that you know, can you see that President Clinton is merely acting out in his life, in his body, the normal inclinations for any good Satanist?
And, can you see that those people who think what he is doing is "normal",
or who excuse it in any way, or who express their desire to sleep with the President, are also subscribing to Satanism?
When researchers study gossip, they don't all use the same definition. Most start with the same basic idea: Gossip is a conversation between two people that concerns a third person who is not present.
Different researchers then add a range of stipulations, such as:
The conversation takes place in private.
The people talking are transmitting information as though it were fact, but they have not confirmed the information as factual.
The people gossiping and the person being gossiped about know each other in real life. By this definition, celebrity gossip is not really gossip unless the speaker and the listener are friends with the celebrity in question.
Something in the speaker's body language or tone of voice suggests a moral judgment about the information being relayed. For example, the sentence "Clara got a puppy" sounds pretty neutral. But if Clara lives in a college dorm that doesn't allow pets and the person speaking sounds scandalized, the sentence becomes gossip. The people gossiping compare themselves in some way to the person being gossiped about, usually considering themselves to be superior to the subject. For the purpose of this article, we'll use a fairly basic definition. When two people talk about a third, absent person and the conversation includes undertones of judgment or secrecy, it's gossip. We'll look at some of the basics of how gossip governs social groups next. Gossip vs. Rumor Rumors and gossip have similarly distasteful connotations, but researchers disagree about whether they are the same thing. Here's a rundown of different views on gossip and rumor: They're the same.
Rumor is a specific type of gossip.
Gossip is based in fact, but rumors are based in hypotheses. Gossip is a tool for maintaining social order, but rumor is a tool for explaining things that people do not understand.
Gossip relates something people believe has happened, but rumors express what people hope or fear will happen.
Gossip's Bad Reputation
Gossip has a pretty bad reputation. Nearly every major world religion cautions against gossiping and spreading rumors.
For example, the book of Leviticus, found in the Christian Bible and the Jewish Torah, states, "Thou shalt not go up and down as a tale-bearer among thy people" [ref]. \ Gossip is also contrary to the concept of right speech, which is part of the Eightfold Path to enlightenment that is central to Buddhism.
Many Islamic texts forbid both speaking and listening to gossip [ref]. In general, the secular world looks down on gossip as well.
Parents, self-help books and counselors caution people to avoid gossip. Books on business management present gossip as a threat to an organization's health and stability because it decreases morale and wastes employees' time.
The Ethics of Gossip
Delicate Information Jason is suddenly terminated from his job. His co-workers begin to worry about their own job security -- Jason was well-liked and efficient, and his being fired came out of the blue. Morale begins to suffer as people wonder whether they will be next. Soon, people learn through the office grapevine that Jason had been stealing money from the company's charity fund drive, which he was coordinating.
Jason's co-workers need this information to feel secure in their own jobs, but it would not be appropriate for the company to broadcast it. In this kind of situation, a company's official sources of information can't answer employees' questions, so the employees turn to unofficial sources. For this reason, gossip is often prevalent in businesses that do not communicate well with their employees.
Spreading this information could be considered a violation of Jason's privacy or an assault on his character. In addition, it can be argued that people's confidence in Jason is more important than their sense of job security.
This example also demonstrates something that's typical of a lot of gossip. Most people would probably react to the news of Jason's theft with disbelief. However, everyone trusts that the source of the information is telling the truth -- they suspend their disbelief. Although the idea that someone as kind and responsible as Jason could be a thief can seem absurd, people will pass it on if they believe it to be true.
Being Prepared Amanda lives in an apartment. One night, someone breaks into the apartment upstairs. Amanda learns that her upstairs neighbors were drug dealers and had recently been arrested. Her landlord evicted the neighbors, but they'd left most of their possessions in the apartment. Police theorize that the thief had bought drugs from the neighbors and had broken in looking for drugs or money.
Amanda is surprised, since she thought her neighborhood was a safe one. Her landlords clean out the upstairs apartment and rent it to a family who has a young daughter. Concerned for their safety, Amanda tells her new neighbors about the previous neighbors and the break-in.
Most people think of gossip as negative, but in this situation, Amanda could feel morally obligated to gossip. She's giving her neighbors information that they need to have to ensure their physical safety.
She and her neighbors also develop a bond of trust during the conversation, which can make it more likely that they will be able to trust and help each other in the future.
As these examples show, gossip and rumors have some similarities to urban legends. All three can make people aware of typically unspoken social rules and offer a warning of what could happen if the rules are disobeyed.
Gossip and urban legends can also take on a life of their own, spreading far beyond the social circle in which they originated.
Finally, people often adamantly believe rumors and urban legends they hear, in spite of evidence that they are not true.
at thermotron i was taught to be a liar, thief, and embezzler..
and that every-one is the manager..
the customer is just a chump.. to take advantage of..
insert a straw into his brain and suck until his his head caves in..!
Do criminal psychopaths enjoy other peoples fear or just not notice it?by Julia Layton
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"Do criminal psychopaths enjoy other peoples fear or just not notice it?."
07 December 2006. HowStuffWorks.com. 17 June 2008.Most Evil: John Wayne Gacy
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December 7, 2006 When most of us think of killers like Ted Bundy or John Wayne Gacy, we imagine people who feel compelled to harm other human beings, who enjoy causing fear and who feel no remorse for their actions. And for the most part, these characterizations are entirely correct.
Serial killers (and many other types of violent criminals) are typically considered to be psychopaths with aggressive and anti-social characteristics. But not all psychopaths are violent -- some are "merely" manipulative, dishonest and incapable of experiencing deep emotions, and they may blend in with society with relative ease.
A CEO who cheats his employees out of their pensions and then walks off without a tinge of regret may be a psychopath.
Psychopaths, violent or non-violent, have no "moral compass," no conscience.
They do not experience feelings of guilt for the crimes or betrayals they commit.
A recent study of the brains of psychopaths, published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, may shed some light on what's going on -- or not going on -- in these people's heads.
For years, researchers and psychiatrists have understood that psychopaths respond differently to external stimuli, and they have theorized that this abnormal response is rooted in the brain.
The idea is that psychopaths process information differently than non-psychopaths, and numerous scientific studies using functional MRI (fMRI) to visualize brain activity have backed this up.
In 2003, a study presented at a conference in Britain showed that when "normal" people lie, there is increased activity in the frontal lobe that suggests the experience of guilt and discomfort; but when psychopaths lie, there is no increased brain activity.
An earlier study found that when psychopaths viewed emotionally charged words like "rape" or "murder," the changes in their brain activity were completely different from the changes that occurred when non-psychopaths saw those words.
The increased brain activity in the psychopaths wasn't even in the limbic system, which is where language processing occurs.
In 2006, a group of London-based scientists published the results of a study that may offer additional information on the biological basis for psychopathy. It appears that psychopaths may experience the signs of fear in other people in a way that is not comparable to the way most of us experience it. In fact, they may not really experience it at all.
AP Photo/Mark Foley Ted Bundy, executed in January 1989 for the savage murders of at least 16 women
The study set out to test the idea that psychopaths don't experience empathy for other people's distress -- can't understand, sense or appropriately react to it -- because they don't grasp the signs of that distress. In particular, this study tested the responses of nine "normal" people and six criminal psychopaths to typical facial and vocal signs of fear and sadness.
All of the subjects were hooked up fMRI equipment that measured their neurological responses to the stimuli. In this context, "response" typically means increased bloodflow and/or increased firing of neurons, the carriers of brain signals.
The researchers showed both groups of subjects two different sets of images: one of joyful faces and neutral faces, and one of fearful faces and neutral faces. The neutral faces established a baseline for brain activity.
When the non-psychopathic subjects saw a happy face, the fusiform and extrastriate regions of the brain -- the areas primarily responsible for processing images of facial expressions -- showed increased activity compared to their response to a neutral face. The psychopathic brains also showed increased activity in response to the happy faces, although less of an increase than in the non-psychopathic group.
However, whereas the non-psychopathic subjects showed a similar increase in brain activity in response to the distressed faces, the psychopathic subjects did not. In fact, when the psychopaths were shown sad or fearful faces, their brain scans actually showed less neural activity than when they were shown neutral faces.
The researchers concluded that in psychopaths, the neural pathways that are supposed to process signs of human distress are either non-functional or work completely differently than those pathways work in the general population.
This could explain, at least in part, why psychopaths do not identify with the emotional distress of their victims. The findings of the study may be helpful in understanding how psychopathy works at the neurological level, but in a BBC News article, psychopathy researcher Dr. Nicola Gray of Cardiff University explains, "it is still a long way to finding out what to do about that."
For more information on psychopathy, abnormal psychiatry and related topics, check out the following links:
hey guy... mitch kerr at alltempengineering told me that ENSECO in san jose ca didn't hire me because i carried a travel bag when i was "on the road" in FIELD SERVICE on the average 2 too 3 weeks out of the month..
it turns out that the California perverts and backstabbers at thermotron called it a "PurrrrSe"!!! not a luggage bag...!!
California San Fransico the land of homo's and faggots..
and those people are SSooo stupid that they can't tell the difference..
DAve Durham and John tenbrink at thermotron called a man SQUEEKly..
if u didn't embezzle.. and cheat on their time cards, N get DRUNK... LIKE THEY DID..
ya it's FREakie ..
Fred Plont (THE COLOrADO THIEF) called .. mitch kerr
MITCH the Moron... and Idoit Follower.. and told me they think they are better then HiM .. but they allll started in LA with thermotron
and he bragged how he and ED Flowers the sales boy.. in colorado .. embezzled .. on a regular basis...
and when i talked to ED Flowers... he demenstrated AND CONVINCED ME that he belives the lies of the different thieves and embezzlers he has worked with..and dosn't have the BRAINS to question a professed LIAR and thief..
it must be LOYalty...
when DIck McKinley .. pre-interviewed me as a possible replacement for ED FLOWERS, after he left SALES at THERMOTRON..
i turned it down.. because i really didn't want to have a carreer as a Sales WHORE
a person who lies and gets the customer drunk.. TO MAKE A LIVING..
i QUIT geNERAL INSTRUMENTS/litton in oregon ...
when the new replacement management ... said to me
AT THERMOTRON .. AS i told tom patterson.at Espec. once U become a whore at thermotron for Dan Okeefe... U can now be a WHORE for everyone, and anyone!!
but that is was SATAN offers..
he said the thing about him and other's is that they want to lie,cheat, steal and defraud people..
But they still want people to like them... kinda like BIll Clinton..
and besides ... stealing and embezzling isn't stealing
it's called "WORKING THE SYSTEM".
I was told by the thermotron manager on the west coast that it was "OK" to lie cheat and steal a little bit because "everyone he know is like that!"
I told him that was "INSANE" and i was NOT raised that way!!
The manager said " OH NO ... I didn't know you were that KIND"
and he immidately started to "harrassment and drum me out"
PerVerts of the same feather like to hang out together !!
Employee Harrassment is "normal" at thermotron
most thermotron customers really do know that their service personell are not very well qualified..
I guess i was luckly that many people were up front when i was writing my thesis.. and broke the "code of silence.."
i was surprised to find the "Clock" man (bill arvo)..out of detroit from thermotron..an old thermotron sales man is NOT hard to come by. i guess he forgot he is a sales man and as Mike Barrs said
"U know when a sales man is lying"
because his lips are moving.
but i found it puzzling that he didn't know that most of his co-workers who i worked with didn't follow his policy.. as he was obviously in the DARK
Hil syspesma and other's referred to Tom Bannish as the "Spineless Gutless Wonder" this is becsues he is a Passave Agressive Back stabbing Slander..
Dean tripp told me that re really didn't have the "Character to be a manager"
(and theat he was a embezzler and liar and back stabber when he worked for HIM!)
I pretty much figured that no matter what he said it was a lie..
the people i worked with under bannish mocked their co-workers behind their back for trying to live an honest life, or trying to do a good job.
(they said it didn't matter what you did to anyone so long as u got away with it and blamed it on some one else)
gregory v johnson spent 3 years stealing and robbing the customer and he robbed everything.. out of the office he worked out of. As hil sysbesma said he had tom bannish "around his little finger"
he was a neighborhood bugler and thief before working at mongumory wards and thermotron....
he robbed about 50,000 over the 3 year period at thermotron..
i asked roger cannary, tom bannish, and dan okeefe and even dave waterfield what thermotron budged for thief and embezzlement.
they got mad at me .. and sent me nasty memo's. and said i thought i was better them them.. because i deceite robbery and embezzlement was wrong ..(also lying)
hil sysbesmahe said he wasn't as big of thief as hil sysbesma, and hil said he wasn't as big of thief as some guy called "newville" who went into sales.. just like hil.!
and dan okeefe filed a 1.2 million dollar law suit against hil when he quit.. because he wasn't allowed to work in the industry.. etc..
Dave durham the electrican called me "squeeky" and he considered it wrong for some one to expose his embezzling.. dick alverson ( texas office) told me it was common knowledge that he and john tenbrikn.. would lie abooout their co workers.. but smile to their faces..
(but was quick to put a blade in someone back)
It was pretty horriable working with such a group of back stabbers,liers,theves and embezzelers..decevers (enough to last a life time)
As Bill Wybenga in accounting once told me it is easy to get people to lie for you at thermotron.
I didn't know it was a planned business profile.. funny none of the business classes .. used that .. model..
Interesting that They the holland church goers, the Dutch and Christian reformed teach the it is the "Broad Path that leads to eternal life with Jesus not the Narrow Path"
As Tom Bannish sent out christmas cards every year the said "Jesus died for my sins"
But Jesus said "whoever does what i have commaned are my deciples"
so tom bannish like many at thermotron are going to Hell.. no big loss.
When the satan deciple told tom bannish that if he "would follow his values and worship him" (he could be in management !!) tom bannish behavior demenstrated his decision!!
It's ok to be currupt!!
tom bannish said he has more respect for people who are liars and who do "it " the hard way.
So happy new new year to u tooo
Posted by chamberguy at 6:42 AM 1 comments: envirotom chamber said... are all these people criminal psycopths ?
or are they socialpaths ?
mitch kerr at alltempengineering , bragged that he knew the people at thermotron were backstabbing their c-workers and were "always looking for DiRt"
Hey this is Pam, Bill's daughter. Who are you so I can tell my dad you say hi. He does still work at Thermotron in cost accounting and is a manager. He says he wishes he wasn't still there but he's a lifer. Did you see our pictures on my myspace? There's one of Bill and I and one with my mom Cheri and my brother Tim in Julian and my wedding slide show. You should check it out.
I guess i was luckly that many people were up front when i was writing my thesis.. and broke the code of silence..
i was surprised to find the "Clock" man ..out of detroit from thermotron..an honest sales man is hard to come by.
i guess he forgot he is a sales man and as Mike Barrs said"
U know when a sales man is lying because his lips are moving.
but i found it puzzling that he didn't know that most of his co-workers who i worked with didn't follow his policy..
Hil syspesma and other's referred to Tom Bannish as the "Spineless Gutless Wonder"
this is becsues he is a Passave Agressive Back stabbing Slander..
Dean tripp told me that re really didn't have the "Character to be a manager"
I pretty much figured that no matter what he said it was a lie..the people i worked with under bannish mocked people behind their back for trying to live an honest life,
and trying to do a good job.
(they said it didn't matter what you did to anyone so long as u got away with it and blamed it on some one else)
Dave durham the electrican called me "squeeky"
(but was quick to put a blade in someone back)
It was pretty horriable working with such a group of back stabbers,liers,theves and embezzelers..decevers (enough to last a life time)
As Bill Wybenga in accounting once told me it is easy to get people to lie for you at thermotron.
I didn't know it was a planned business profile.. funny none of the business classes .. used that .. model..
Interesting that They the holland church goers,
the Dutch and Christian reformed teach the it is the "Broad Path that leads to eternal life
with Jesus not the Narrow Path"
As Tom Bannish sent out christmas cards every year the said "Jesus died for my sins"
But Jesus said "whoever does what i have ccommaned are my deciples"
so Jesus has a diffferent opinion .. of scripture..
When satan's deciple came to tom bannich and said
"if u bow down and call me LORD i will make u a manager...!!!"
tom bannich said "OK U will be my LORD"
so tom bannish like many at thermotron are going to Hell.. no big loss.
tom bannish said he has more respect for people who are liars
Kevin Holt of Gastonia bears little likeness to the chiseled warriors depicted in Army posters.
He's 41, heavyset and has a habit of pushing his eyeglasses to the bridge of his nose.He's a citizen-soldier.
The former sailor enlisted in the National Guard in July 2004 as a way to supplement his income and heed a call to service.Last summer, between supervising a chow line at Camp Speicher outside Tikrit, Iraq, and running food convoys, Holt sat at dusty computer keyboards, hunting and pecking the answers to his online college course.
He hoped a business degree would help him land a job.
Thermotron Industries, based in Holland, Mich., fired Holt in April 2005,near the height of the Bush administration's call-up of National Guard members
and just a week after Holt told the company he was being deployed to Iraq.
Holt serviced
Thermotron's environmental test chambers, which expose electronics and other devices to temperature extremes.
He covered a patch of the Southeast for the privately held, mid-sized company, making about $54,000 a year.
Holt says Thermotron accused him of trying to bill the company for Yellow Pages advertising he had ordered for his side repair business.
ellSouth had mailed the bill to Thermotron by mistake,
an error Holt said his boss had resolved more than eight months before.
The married father of two worked seven years for Thermotron, which has a growing defense-contract business.
The termination was an about-face for a company that two months before firing him had given Holt another glowing annual evaluation.
Fellow soldiers in the National Guard's 505th Engineer Battalion said they thought the timing of the firing looked fishy.
They told him about the law designed to protect civilian jobs of part-time soldiers called to active duty.Holt tried to get his job back.He filed complaints with state and federal labor departments.
He thought his case was a slam-dunk.Thermotron sent letters in its defense.It produced copies of the Yellow Pages bill it said proved Holt tried to deceive the company.
The company denied that a supervisor had told Holt the billing mistake had been resolved.
Holt provided documents but couldn't produce anything showing Thermotron fired him because his military service conflicted with the company's need for a repairman in the Southeast.
Channels prove fruitlessLike thousands of service members,Holt's journey through government channels proved futile."They wanted documents," Holt says of labor officials.
"But I was getting ready to go to war."By November 2005, with Holt in Iraq, state and federal labor officials had sent letters to his house.The agencies ruled Thermotron fired him "for cause.
"Richard Castillo, the U.S. Labor Department's assistant director in Michigan, said Holt could request the agency refer the case to the Justice Department for possible litigation.But Castillo would recommend "no further action be taken.
"Ronald Lampen,
Thermotron's vice president of service operations, noted agencies ruled in the company's favor."
Holt's allegations are unfounded and untrue,"
Lampen told the Observer in a phone call.
He refused to answer further questions, then hung up.
A call to a jobAbove Kevin Holt's backyard workshop, a massive portrait of Jesus stands watch.
"Bad things will happen to you in life,"
Holt says."Ultimately, God is still on the throne.The sun came up this morning.
The world will not end."Last October Holt returned home to hugs, red-white-and-blue bunting around the mailbox ... and a job interview.
Espec North America had heard Holt was no longer with competitor Thermotron.
After e-mailing Holt in Iraq, the company agreed to talk with him when he got back.
In November, he became Espec's newest employee.
Going from civilian to soldier, from Gastonia to Tikrit and back, from unemployed to employed in a little over a year has imbued Holt with perspective.
"I grew up a lot during the experience," he says. "I never lost a job before. Never experienced unemployment.
I always feared facing that.
But the calamity I thought was going to happen, didn't happen.
"He enrolled in school again, this time to work on a master's in theology through an online program."I feel called,"
Holt says, "to serve as an Army chaplain."As a Guard member, Holt says he's willing to return to Iraq or wherever his country needs him.
He also abides by the gospel of Luke, the passage that admonishes"Love your enemies," and "pray for those who mistreat you."