Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Roger Cannady & Associates "former thermotron national service manager"

Roger Cannady has excellent innovation, design, development, communication, and training skills


IF you are an IDOIT... or are not smarter than a 5th Grader ...

He is an (IN) experienced manager, instructional designer, e-learning developer, curriculum
developer, platform trainer, and consultant.

Outstanding “Hands On” technical abilities and subject matter expertise in a wide range of subject areas:

Masterbation is his speciality... when he was at thermotron..

Thomas Bannach bragged that Roger Cannady "let him do his own thing"

which in summary was "it's OK " to lie cheat deceive and defraud your co-worker and customer .. a little..--bit---every--day !!

Yes all the Liars ,, thieves, embezzlers ..and Back stabbers at thermotron.. really liked Roger Cannady's Hands--off-- management --style..

"Roger is passionate about adult education.

all the liars said you are supposted to tell Roger Cannady..

"what ever-HE-wants-2-hear !! it dosen't matter if it is True --or--Not !!

He was know 4- Keeping-- people-- IN-TH--DARK--


As Dean Tripp said when roger cannady was there "It Really didn't matter if you did a "good" job or a BAD job any more"

and as Hil Sybesma was Quoted as saying

"the More you do the More you HAVE to do now !!"

and the "Less you do then the LESS you have to do now"

He is dedicated to keeping informed about emerging theories and tools available to support and improve his work

of getting some of your money.. and staying out of prison

and committed to producing high quality materials that achieve or exceed the desired outcomes." KO

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